
Local employment solution in Romania


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  • Romania
  • Taxes
  • Benefits
  • Employment cost calculator
  • Employee rights
  • Employment conditions
  • Remote work
  • Hours of work
  • Payment
  • Leave
  • End of employment
  • Independent contracting
  • Local employment solution
  • How Boundless employs your workers in Romania

    To employ your workers in a compliant way locally in Romania, Boundless holds a temporary agency licence. According to Romanian employment law, that is necessary because a company cannot hire people on behalf of another company unless it has the legal framework to do so, which comes with the license.

    It's important to understand that while Boundless has a temporary agency license, we do not source talent. Instead, we take legal responsibility for the workers, calculating and paying social security and health insurance contributions, running their payroll, filing taxes, etc.

    The mechanics involve a three-party arrangement between the worker, the temp agency and the business benefiting from the work performed. That arrangement comes with two separate agreements - an employment one between the worker and the temp agency and a customer one between the temp agency and the business.

    The contract is for a maximum of 36 months. During that time, the employee has access to full statutory employment rights, including paid time off and other forms of paid leave, access to unemployment benefits, and a host of protections.

    What Boundless does for you

    As a temp agency, we establish and maintain the legal employment relationship with the worker. That starts with signing a fixed-term employment agreement, which takes about two weeks since there is an obligatory pre-employment medical check.

    Every month we calculate the payroll, deduct all mandatory contributions such as the insurance premium, and provide the worker with a payslip. We file all necessary taxes and pay mandatory contributions to respective authorities.

    What you do

    You sign our standard commercial agreement that we use for most of the countries we are in, which you can end with one month's notice. You also sign a customer agreement for each employee you hire through us. The appendix of this agreement includes detailed employee information.

    What the employee does

    The employee signs an employment contract with Boundless before starting employment, explicitly stating that they will perform work for the user employer. The employment agreement can be signed with a qualified electronic signature before the start date.

    The employee will need to do a medical examination before starting their job. If an employee wants to end their employment before the contract end date they will need to send us the resignation letter, stating their resignation and last working day according to the notice.

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